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Frequently asked questions
Is DPC Health Insurance?
No, Dr. Nadler contracts directly with her patients to provide primary care services. Our plan is membership-based with a monthly fee, much like a gym membership.
As a patient of CoastalMED DPC, will I still need health insurance?
We recommend that all patients have, at a minimum, a high deductible health plan (HDHP) for unplanned medical expenses, including specialist visits, hospitalization or surgery. Alternatives to insurance are health or cost sharing plans that work well with DPC (many offer discounts to members with DPC memberships), check out Sedera Health, www.libertyhealthshare.org, Zion Health, Medi-Share and several others for more details.
I have an HMO, can I still join? Most likely no. HMOs contract with a limited provider panel and in most cases the HMO physician assigned to you is required to order tests and referrals, so Dr. Nadler would not be able to provide these services with HMO plans. You can always check with your HMO plan to see if they will cover costs for tests or referrals ordered by an "out of network" physician.
Is this "concierge medicine"?
Direct Primary Care/DPC is fundamentally different from "concierge medicine", in that most concierge practices still take insurance and many patients are required to pay their co-pays. Typically, concierge practices are more costly in the range of $1650-5000 or more/year). With DPC, Dr. Nadler works directly for her patients and your membership pays for all the care she can provide. A better term may be "retainer medicine", since Dr. Nadler is available when you need her for no additional costs. We like to think of DPC as providing concierge-like services for a reasonable price that most people can afford. The concierge-like services include longer visit times, same/next day appointments, home visits when appropriate (within a specific service area) and access to Dr. Nadler directly through her cell phone, texting and email.
How can this be so inexpensive?
Primary care physicians (PCPs) are known for their ability to provide comprehensive high-quality care at a low cost. For decades, insurers and government agencies have relied on those cost savings PCPs provide in order to reduce the cost of care. Unfortunately, when insurers bundle the inexpensive primary care with high cost treatments, surgical care, hospitalizations and medications, it raises the cost of routine care for everyone and creates a barrier to access.
At CoastalMED DPC, we believe that everyone should be able to afford quality primary care from a physician. We have removed primary care from those cost-driving services and added a network of affordable services to create our membership-based primary care package. By bundling all the routine and necessary services into a low monthly fee, our members enjoy an affordable patient-centered medical home with true price transparency. With CoastalMED DPC, 100% of your expense goes directly towards your health care and we pass the savings on to you.
I am already paying for health insurance. Why do I need CoastalMED DPC?
In most cases, patients save money by choosing a higher deductible health plan and paying directly for medical care through their CoastalMED DPC membership. Our are monthly fee is clearly stated and provides the peace of mind to be able to see your doctor when needed for no additional cost or copays. Other benefits that insurance cannot guarantee is seeing a board-certified physician, same or next day appointments, 30-60 minute long appointments, minimal to no wait time, and access to your doctor via phone, text, and email.
If I have Medicare, can I still join CoastalMED DPC?
DEFINITELY! Dr. Nadler has "opted-out" of Medicare which is required for her to be able to privately contract with Medicare-eligible patients. DPC is especially valuable for Medicare patients who many times have complex needs and require more face time with a physician. (Of note: Dr. Nadler can still order labs, medications, imaging and referrals!!- none of this is affected, only your membership fees are not reimbursable by Medicare).
Patients with Medicare may still use Medicare to pay for labs, medicines, and specialists. Dr. Nadler's services cannot be billed to Medicare and are all included in your low monthly fee.
What happens if I need to go to the hospital or see a specialist?
By providing unprecedented access and longer visits for our patients we seek to prevent or reduce hospitalizations and specialty referrals. In instances where those types of care are required, we will assist in coordinating care with your hospitalist or specialist. All of our local hospitals utilize hospitalist services (doctors who manage your care while in the hospital). In many cases, Dr. Nadler has partnered with local hospitalist groups to manage her patients while they require hospital services.
Can young children become members of CoastalMED DPC?
No, Dr. Nadler is an internal medicine physician and her practice is limited to patients age 18 years and older.
Can I contact my physician after hours? And how?
Dr. Nadler will be available by phone/text for urgent questions after hours and weekends. For non-urgent issues, please leave a message on our office line or email and it will be addressed at the beginning of the next business day.​
I own a business. Can I provide access to CoastalMED DPC to my employees?
Yes! We'll waive the new patient fee when 5 or more employees join, review under the "Service and Fees" tab, click the employers drop down link.
How will I know if CoastalMED DPC is right for me?
Easy, schedule a complimentary consultation visit to get more information and learn if DPC is right for you!
How do I sign up? (we are currently not accepting new patients)
Please call us at (941) 275-1234 or send us an e-mail (info@CoastalMEDDPC.com) so that we can call you to set up an appointment.